Ayurvedic Panchkarma Vaman Treatment

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Ayurvedic Panchkarma Vaman Treatment

Advait Ayurveda offers you solutions to many of your physical and mental problems that seem chronic and everlasting. That is why today Ayurvedic therapies have become so trendy and one of the highly praised therapy is Vamana panchakarma Therapy.

Vamana Karma, also known as medical emesis or medical vomiting, is one of the five Pradhana Karmas of Panchakarma which is used in treating Kaphaj disorders

Vaman means therapeutic vomiting which is a medicated emesis. This treatment is done for the aggravated kapha dosha, which dislodges the toxins mainly from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. This therapy is done for preventive & curative purposes.

Ayurveda believes that different seasons have a great influence in the aggravation of doshas, ex: Kapha in Hemant (spring season), Pitta in Sharada (winter) season and Vata in Greeshma (summers) season. Hence one can adopt Vaman therapy in spring i.e. Hemant season as a preventive therapy in order to prevent disorders related to kapha.

Vamana treatment is targeted to expel increased Kapha Dosha out of the body. When Kapha dosha increases, it causes certain types of diseases – such as cold, cough, Obesity, Sinusitis, Skin problems,etc. If the extent of Kapha increase is less, then some oral medicines can be given to suppress it. But if it has increased to a large extent and if it has moved from its natural place to other places, then it needs to be expelled out of the body.

By expelling it out, the disease gets cured, often completely. Since Kapha is situated in the chest region, expelling it from the oral route is very easy. Hence, Vamana treatment is designed.

To expel it out, first the Kapha Dosha needs to be forcefully brought from the extremities and different organs into the stomach, and then vomiting is induced.

Get the finest Vamana Panchkarma therapy in Ahmedabad(Gujrat) at Advait Ayurveda Cure Centre

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